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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In the light of the COVID-19, we want to assure you that we are doing dog-gone everything to ensure ongoing supply and we have implemented increased health & safety measures for our customers and our furrific team.

The Fur Salon is now open for business four days a week with our 5-star groomer KAT on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Given ours is a highly tailored and individualized service we only take booking for one dog or cat at a time and you can make pick-up/drop off without physical contact; or, if you need to stay in, don't forget our collection service with Sherv's K9 Fitness - they are the bee's knees!

As expected, we will maintain our hygiene practices (which is a constant challenge will all that fur!)

Please feel free to get in touch on 1300 851 422
or at if you have any questions or concerns.

And as a little light relief from the current craziness, we will continue to share some tips, tricks, and videos of our favourites pooches and kitties on social and hope these offer a helpful distraction.


Best wishes to all our friends, including those that purr, bark and squeak.

* There is a lot of misinformation out there, so don't get sucked in. The World Health Organisation is a great resource for advice and information. 
